A New Beginning...
New Blog!
If you've checked out my blog before you'll likely notice things look pretty different. I'm currently in the middle of the process of re-platforming my blog away from Wordpress and now will be using Gatsby. I've started the process of porting over my previous posts and will continue to do so until everything has been moved over.
Why Gatsby?
Good question.
If you haven't heard of Gatsby yet it's a static site generator that uses React.js. The main reason I switched to Gatsby is that it is blazing fast. And it is very easy to use Travis CI to deploy a Gatsby site to Github pages. So another win is that hosting will be free. Not that it was a lot before, but free beats cheap in my book.
If you are interested in learning to do this yourself I recommend you check out this article for details on how.
Stay Tuned
One of the reasons I'm excited about this move is it makes it much easier for me to deliver new content as I can focus less on administration and more on creating content. So keep an eye out for more coming soon!